Geburtstagskuchen mit Kerzen

5 great ideas for the 40th birthday

With these tips and tricks you will have a unique 40th birthday

Our top 5 40th birthday ideas that will make your celebration unforgettable

- Kristin - 26.08.2020 -

It's almost time, you'll be 40 years old. If that's not a special reason to celebrate! We have collected 5 ideas, so that your 40th birthday will be a success! A special highlight is a birthday with Live-music either at a party location or at home. Let our top 5 ideas inspire you on how to create yours celebrate your 40th birthday properly! All ideas can be combined very well with a live act that creates the best atmosphere at your birthday party cares.

1. Fun Location with Live-Act

The right location is usually half the battle and also includes many activities that increase the fun factor of your party. How about, for example, your birthday in a bowling hall to celebrate or an area in your favorite pub to rent? Think outside the box and think about the places you like to go to have fun.

As the highlight of the evening, you can invite a band that will heat up your guests properly and creates the right mood. Of course, the band should be 100% your taste - after all, you only turn 40 once! In our artist pool you will find musicians for every taste - maybe something jazzy be to eat in the restaurant or rather rock/pop, so that you don't go to the bar at all can do anything other than dance? Feel free to browse for yourself and get an impression.

2. Theme party with live music

a live band is ideal. Our artists adapt to every motto and can put you and your guests in the right mood for the respective theme with the right music. These three artists, for example, provide groovy

Theme parties are not just for children's birthday parties. Especially in adulthood, their eccentricity is totally refreshing and liberating. How about a 50s party with lots of polka dots and petty coatsfor example? Or a 60s hippie party? Or maybe even a masked ball?

As a highlight of yours theme party a live band is ideal. Our artists adapt to every motto and can put you and your guests in the right mood for the respective theme with the right music. These three artists, for example, provide groovy Party atmosphere and danceable music :

3. Mini festival in your own garden or living room

You feel like a full-length music program and would like to celebrate your 40th birthday in a mini festival transform? No problem, because our artists are very easy to care for. A private festival can be done with just as little effort as a house concert feasible. All you need is enough space. For right Ffestival mood Of course, a place outside is ideal. Maybe you have a garden, a roof terrace or a yard with some space? Alternatively, you can switch to a parking lot or rent a location. Our Music tips for your birthday festival :

Organizing the musicians for your mini festival is very easy: First, search Use the filter function on our platform to find the artists you particularly like. For the line-up, we recommend a good mix of singer/songwriters, duos and bands to kind of increase to create. If you have found what you are looking for, you can send the music acts a non-binding inquiry. Clarify details such as budget, staffing and the exact procedure with them and click on "Book with binding effect". You will then get through it very simply and easily booking system managed. You do that with all the artists at your mini festival should play and voilà: the program is set!

4. A murder mystery dinner awakens acting talent

You are a real game fan and as a child you were always at the forefront of "Mord im Dunkeln" and Co.? Make your 40th birthday a big playground and host a Crime Dinner with everything included. In order to make the whole thing as lively as possible, ask your guests to dress up beforehand. With the right costume, the whole thing is twice as much fun and you can put yourself in the game a lot more. Such an event sticks in your head, is a nice escape from everyday life and it is guaranteed not to be boring. A murder mystery dinner can also be perfectly combined with live music. After your heads have smoked and you have solved the murder together, music lightens the mood and depending on the band, it can be relaxed or groovy End of your birthday party to care. If you want, you can even involve the band in the spectacle: Talk to them beforehand and let the band know exactly what it's all about and how they can underline the puzzle atmosphere with music. Surely the musicians also have a few ideas to let you immerse yourself even more in the murder case with the help of music. Discover your murder mystery dinner for your 40th birthday

5. Barbecue-Party with Live-Music in the garden

Grilling is always possible! You have a beautiful garden or roof terrace ? Perfect! How about a barbecue party? Invite all your loved ones and ask them to bring something to eat. This creates a varied buffet and everyone can help themselves. Surely there will also be someone who is willing to accept the position of grill master! A solo musician or a band provides that certain something, with which you can enjoy the delicious food and groove along!

These artists are suitable with their relaxed summer sound perfect for a barbecue party in your garden:

Discover even more birthday bands as a 40th birthday idea

Would you like to browse for other musicians? Then have a look around for your 40th birthday with live music. We keep our fingers crossed that you find what you are looking for and wish you a great 40th birthday party!

You think your 40th birthday has to fall through because of Corona? Absolutely no way! We'll show you how to organize an online birthday party with a live stream concert - after all, you only turn 40 once!

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